Random Moments From September (so far): 1. The giant, ravenous, popcorn eating fish of Canada's Wonderland. 2. My sister worked her shift in a bar, took a 3am Greyhound bus to Toronto from London, and then went to Canada's Wonderland in the morning. Her dedication to having a good time is impressive. Healthy breakfast choices for under-slept sisters? Funnel cake. 3. Prize winning country pumpkins. Other notable prize winning categories? Best Scarecrow, Best Darned Sock, Best Decorated T-Shirt, Biggest Carrot, etc. Note: My crew of babes did not agree with a lot of the judges calls. 4. Taking in a demolition derby on the steepest, bumpiest hill known to man. MC'd by a verbose, purple haired grandma. 5. Pink clouds. 6. Roadside tart shop scores (which were not long for this world). 7. Food and beer tickets. 8. I'm kind of in love with a weed smoking Australian man-dog. 9. The TGB Travelling Family Band. More here. & 10. The Port Hope Fall Fair Midway.
It would appear that when I'm not holed up on my computer these days, I'm at amusement parks and fairs. Sounds good to me.
Happy Moments & Mems!
Sept '11 - you were a tru #beauty
Funnel cake...holy moly.
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