So, I've worked through my lettuce and done some replanting. Been harvesting radishes and beans. Made some pesto from the basil. I hate being all growing food is cool blah blah blah boring blahhhhh, but it kind of is. Jalapenos and tomatoes are popping up all over the place. Chard, kale, and cucumbers are coming along too. And there are even a couple pumpkin plants in the very back of the yard. It's a (mini) jungle out there!
Fact: tomato leaves are hands down one of my favourite smells. If I go in the backyard, feeling up the tomato plants is job one.
kudos to you for growing your own veggies. the veggies and greens look so healthy. condo life has it's perks and a garden ain't one of them. sigh.
I also love the smell of tomato plants. It's one of those smells that instantly brings me back to childhood. My mom was a bit of a tomato fiend....
Yeah! So jealous but also so impressed!!!
I feel horribly appologetic about garden talk too! But honestly- growing things is exciting and you wanna share. Maybe this is a sign we're turning into old ladies :)
You are one A+ gardener Sandi!
Tanya and Tallulah: Thanks! Will it make you feel better if I say that in reality, it's kind of cheaper and easier to go to the grocery store? Ha! Danielle (in the comments here) has a second floor apartment, and uses a neighbours backyard for her veggie garden. It's a local program of some kind - could be worth looking into if you want to grow stuff.
Tim: Tomato fiend! Does this explain your aversion to fresh tomatoes? Ha...
Danielle: We've got at least 20 more years until we're old ladies. Take that foot out of the grave!
Jaime: Thanks! I've had plenty of failures too - but those aren't as fun to share. Fake it til you make it (for dinner)?
late to the comment game but this is BEAUTIFUL!!! and it won't be as expensive next year, maybe?
a longgg time ago the body shop had this line of body washes and one of them was GREEN TOMATO scented... it was discontinued, sadly!
Amy: Yeah, you're right - it's more like an initial investment thing. And green tomato body wash?! Ugh, I WANT TO TRY THAT SO BAD.
Oh my goodness! I saw a huge (cute) family of raccoons recently too. They walked all over our decks and patios and weren't scared of anything... until we decided we didn't want them stealing our burgers and banged pots at them so they would leave! It was so sad/effective because one of the babies went in the wrong direction and couldn't figure out how to climb the fire escape.
...ramble ramble.
okgoods: Aww. Hard to blame 'em for trying though, right? Burgers are delicious!
lookin' fantastic!!! I couldn't agree more about the scent of tomato plants. full aroma satisfaction!
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