We recently moved into a new practice space on tha East side. Dennis' band practices here too. Highlights include (but are not limited to): the crazy doll lamp, the old Babydolls sign, The Notorious B.I.G., the yarn installation from a past show, the woodsy mural, the guy that rides through the halls on his homemade electric bike, and the old school piano. I don't think we'll end every practice with a trip to McDonalds, but sometimes you just need to have a heavy dose of sugar and salt, ya know?!
nice photos - they're just a little bit spooky. LIstened to some of your music recently-ish, been meaning to say hello and mention how much I enjoyed it for a while.
I've been neglecting my blog recently too - it's hard printing in the summer, screen print venues generally tend to be windowless ones.
lottie x
I kind of want that Baby Dolls sign. Um. It's amazing!
Charlotte: Thanks, lady! So glad you enjoyed. And really, who wants to be on the computer/squeegee wrangling in the summer when they can be outside, having beers, eating BBQ, etc. Glad I'm not the only one finding it hard to focus, ha.
Anabela: Right?!! I remember going into Baby Dolls back in the day, when someone was trying to promote shows/nights there (how "cool"). Needless to say, I never went back. The sign though, is incredible!
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