Sunday 1 April 2012


Got a new tattoo by Lissa at Pearl Harbor Gift Shop in Kensington Market this weekend. I'm no tattoo expert (this is only my second) but I really liked my experience here. Awesome people + great decor (the personified strawberry face in particular). Recommended! I'm already thinking about what I should do next...


shayna said...

I love it! It's so well done and so perfectly you.


Aw, thanks pal!

Alanna Watchman said...

Oooh I love this! What's the significance of the wishbone to you?


Alanna: Thanks! I've always been drawn to objects of perceived luck or good fortune. The tradition of breaking a wishbone is kind of funny to me, but I remember doing it when I was a kid and being pretty excited about it. Plus, the shape is enjoyable, and we could all use a little good luck in our lives.