Cover = not by me. Just posting a photo to show you what the current issue looks like!

Fun News Alert: I've got some illustrations in the new issue of The Walrus! The special winter double issue is out now. #whoa This assignment was really awesome to work on. The digital output enabled me to experiment with my illustration style a bit, and it was a big honour to be involved with such an A+ publication! Thanks, Jen. And thanks to Shayna for excitedly picking me up a copy (pro friend). These are a few pics of the actual magazine & a few bigger originals that are also in there for a different view. 10 years ago, I would have laughed for hours if someone told me that I'd be masquerading as an illustrator/designer (in my spare time) at this point in my life. What. The. Heck. Life is truly full of adventures.
Feeling pretty weird about constantly writing "look what I did!" or "look what I made!" or "look at meeee!" all the time. But this is an accurate look at what my life has been like lately. Making stuff, doing things, printing away. I've bought a lot of cool stuff lately, from awesome artists, that I'd love to tell you about - but a bunch of those beautiful things are Christmas presents, and I don't want to go ruining the surprise, right? Maybe it's time for a little things-I've-had-my-eye-on post soon. There's never a lack of things I don't need, but totally want, to talk about. I'm sure you can relate.
Your illustrations in this made me seriously excited and I bragged about it to everyone I know ("My friend Sandi is a published illustrator!!").
And also- self promotion is a difficult art but I think you make cool things and are sincere and genuine without being a showboat (I may be a bit biased on this front though since you do lots of it on my behalf- haha).
LOVE disgruntled graduation pig.
Danielle: Haha, thank you!
Tim: Disgruntled pig is so sad that his belly isn't full of money.
wow - congrats Sandi!! You totally deserve to brag about this :)
Jordy: Thanks, ha!
Brag it up! Don't even feel weird! That's great!
Anabela: Ha! Okkkkkkkk.
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