The second half of my vacation was spent small towning it up in Sackville, New Brunswick. Dennis' family lives just outside the main drag. Take a walk in his hood and you'll find barns, covered bridges, and hay rolls. Though the highway is close, it's refreshingly quiet out there at night (no upstairs neighbours practicing metal riffs or having Monday night ragers!). We ate at one of Dennis' old places of employment (Pizza Delight), and I tried fried clams and scallops at a seafood place decorated with a ridiculous number of fake flowers and butterflies (weird). We saw movies, read books, went cosmic bowling, hung out with the cat (Frank), chilled out at a cottage on the ocean for a day, and generally moved pretty slow. That recipe up there is Dennis' grandma's handwriting - her squares a fixture at every meal (along with her beets and mustard pickles).
There has got to be some kind of New Brunswicker loyalty to Pizza Delight I don't understand b/c Mike was allll about getting Pizza D when we were there. Also- that pic of the disco ball is fantastic! I need to take more B&Ws.
The bread toasting station was pretty cool - ha!
whoa didn't know you took louie on vacation! looks like he's been a busy guy while i've been gone. total TWIN CATS! looks like you had a looovely time
oh, east coast, you say all the right things.
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