I've been meaning to tell you about something exciting. I have the honour of being the designated designer/manipulator of imagery for 2011's installment of City Of Craft! Check out Becky's very nice post about it here.
I expect that all the things I'mhopelessly fixated on will make their presence known: witchy imagery, objects of perceived luck or fortune, scrappy text, slightly askew lines/shapes, miscellaneous magic, and more. Stay tuned!
Congratulations! I can't wait to see your designs for City of Craft!
Thanks Jaime!
speaking of how talented you are...
saw you on one of my fav blogs today!
Mandy - Yeah, I read CC too, and definitely did a double take when I saw that pop up! So nice!
Candice - have fun in CHICAGO this weekend!
congrats on that! I am so looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
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