As expected, we walked around a lot. We were very fortunate to have a place to stay for the week, and we happily retired there every night battered and bruised from all the kms we were clocking, to nurse our wounds and drink cheap American brews from the grocery store.
Naturally, we ate a lot of great food. The Shake Shack sported a surprisingly large lineup when we got there, but it definitely existed for a reason. Toronto needs a place where you can get beers and wine to drink in the park with your shakes and burgers! Pies N Thighs, besides having an amazing name, also had great food for a really reasonable price. Fried chicken with a biscuit and macaroni and cheese on the side didn't exactly leave anyone much room to sample the pie though, despite our strong desire to. Other standouts included pizza, ice cream, and boar ravioli.
The Jays/Yankees game at Yankee Stadium was another main event. The Jays won and I managed to get a batting practice home run ball in Monument Park. If only the poor Rogers Center would fill up more often - it's definitely better to see games in packed stadiums. And life is always sweeter when The Yankees lose. The colours are brighter. Things taste better.
Otherwise, we hit some of the tourist spots (Central Park/Top of the Rock/Times Square), The MOMA, the beautiful New York public library, walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, met a familiar face for some drinks, did a little shopping (hello floral shoes), and generally enjoyed our sweaty selves. No strict agendas, no rushes!
This was my first real vacation, and after two days back at work I'm already furiously daydreaming about the next one.
Good post Louis!
pies and thighs!! WTF!?! that is an exceedingly appropriate title for my memoirs, should they ever be written. new goal for future? with a title like that, i'd say YES.
you ladies/lads look like you had a rad time. i had the pleasure of visiting your cat w tim and he was a cuddly little dream. see you round this city soon, i hope...xo!
Pies N Thighs would make for one seriously sassy book title, ha! Glad to hear that Oreo was nice to you. I'm looking forward to hearing about Paris!
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